2020. december 29., kedd

The Ward Lock Encyclopedia of Practical Gardening - Jelenlegi ára: 3 900 Ft

The Ward Lock Encyclopedia of Practical Gardening
(Gyakorlati kertészeti enciklopédia, kertgondozás)
Anita Pereire
With a Foreword by Alan Titchmarsh
Angol nyelvű kertészeti szakkönyv, rengeteg fotóval, 700 oldalon.
A comprehensive gardening directory of garden plants and guide to gardening techniques, this book covers over 4000 garden flowers, plants and shrubs, with notes on cultivation and uses in the garden. It also offers advice, with step-by-step instructions, on garden design, construction and planting: pools, rock gardens, pergolas and other structures, plant propagation and pests and diseases. The book explains many other gardening skills from making mulch to grafting a fruit tree.

Jelenlegi ára: 3 900 Ft
Az aukció vége: 2020-12-29 18:30 .

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